Refactoring Rails Controllers
This post has been lying in my drafts folder for a while now, and since I’m trying out new approaches to shrink oversized controllers, it’s about time to put this out, and get ready for describing alternatives.
acts_as_solr is Dead, Long Live acts_as_solr
On a current project we recently switched from Ferret to using Solr as our search engine. That switch was more than necessary, but that’s material for a different blog post. Let’s just say, the switch was more than worth it, and Solr just rocks our socks off.
Vim - My College Sweetheart
It’s true, I did write my diploma thesis using Vim. Old-school with LaTeX and C++. When I came to the Mac five years ago I was still using the now pretty much dead Carbon version of MacVim. And well, it just didn’t feel right. I’m very comfortable on the command line, but on the Mac I wanted something that integrated well with the rest of that system, that behave like a real Mac application.
Review: The Ruby Programming Language
JetBrains Releases RubyMine
IntelliJ used to be my favorite Java IDE, it was seriously the tool that made the pain of working with the Java enterprise stuff bearable.