Reading List 2015
The Most Important Thing About 1:1s (and Building Trust)
Slightly more than a year ago, I had no idea what a 1:1 is let alone what purpose it’s serves. The idea of talking to one of our team member seemed so foreign at a time when we structured our team around individual autonomy and the assumption that people will speak up when something’s up.
The Fear of Failure Can Be Paralyzing
A friend recently approached me, asking how he could overcome a feeling of paralysis. He felt stuck figuring out what the next steps are in getting his product out and front of customers.
To Be a Better Listener, Embrace the Awkward Pause
About a year ago I met one of our team members in person for the first time. We hung out for the entire day, talking about all kinds of things, problems we were facing with our company at the time were amongst them.
Five Habits of an Introverted Leader
Being an introverted person in a leadership position is challenging. The one thing that exhaust you the most is now your main focus, interacting with people.