Instead of disco balls, the 100th todo list application (I’m using OmniFocus, thank you very much) a coin flipper (just use a quarter, will ya?) or a face melter, how about something useful for a change?
- Something for Git. Whatever it is. I’m sure someone will come up with a clever idea. Scott Chacon might be up to something.
- An SSH-Client that will let me configure my own keys. What am I supposed to do with freshly generated keys that I can only distribute, if I allow password access on my servers? No, thank you.
- A MySQL-Client.
- VoodooPad (not just read-only)
- A Webistrano client. Duh!
- TimeLog. For those appointments where you can’t/shouldn’t use your MacBook.
My favorite apps so far
- OmniFocus. Better than the desktop version in my opinion. Syncs neatly over WebDAV, but in recent builds the nifty ninjas at the OmniGroup started implementing Bonjour-based synchronisation. Sweet!
- Twitterrific.
- Instapaper. A God-send (if you believe in that kind of stuff). Finally makes sense to me.
- Evernote. Ditto.
- NetNewsWire
- Exposure. Nifty little Flickr app by Fraser Speirs.
An honorable mention for the WordPress guys to release their client as open source.
Next on the shopping list:
- DataCase
- A game maybe? Probably Crash Bandicoot.
- Twitterrific Premium. I already bought it for the Mac, and it’s a neat little piece of software, so why not?
Update: Bought DataCase. Though not graphically perfect, still a nice little tool.